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The corporate website of the state enterprise with information about the company's services and a limited-access section for partners
What is Ukrcosmos
The corporate website of the state enterprise Ukrkosmos with information about the enterprise’s history and services, as well as interactive maps with the possibility of accessing satellite signals. The target audience of the website is the customer's business partners, as well as potential clients.

What was done
We were tasked with bringing the customer’s corporate style and image to a whole new level. Together with our partners, we redesigned the customer's corporate style and developed a new corporate website according global trends. The website features a limited-access section for customers to share documents.

The customer's goal
Update and modernize the company's current corporate website. Digitize satellite coverage maps and provide clients with personal accounts for technical support.
4 project highlights
  • Digitization
    Development of satellite coverage maps for further visualization
  • Confidentiality
    Maximum secrecy during work due to the customer’s status
  • Security requirements
    Local placement of all content at the customer's facilities
  • Training
    Development of documentation and remote training of employees
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