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We are Freshlab

a professional

software development company

We create integrated products, web applications, mobile applications,
provide engineering services
  • For business

    We develop products designed to increase profits or optimize costs, advise on product launches, and evaluate their prospective efficiency

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  • For corporations

    We analyze customers' business processes, audit the current situation, formulate a strategy for implementing solutions in the operation of enterprises, and provide staff training

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  • For startups
    We help startups with the validation of ideas by creating prototypes of web and mobile applications, develop product design, architecture, and MVPs

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  • For business
    Розробляємо продукти, покликані збільшувати прибуток або оптимізувати витрати, консультуємо щодо запуску продуктів, оцінюємо їх потенційну ефективність


  • For corporations
    Аналізуємо бізнес-процеси замовників, проводимо аудит поточної ситуації, формуємо стратегію впровадження рішень у роботу підприємств, здійснюємо навчання персоналу


  • For startups
    Допомагаємо починаючим бізнесменам з валідацією ідей, створюючи прототипи веб додатків та мобільних застосунків, розробляємо дизайн, архітектуру та MVP продуктів


Our services
Regardless of the scale of the project
we are developing in the following stages
  • We discuss the concept with the customer
    We gather the customer's wishes and ideas, signing NDAs if necessary, and give initial recommendations
  • We write user stories and terms of reference
    We elaborate user stories for each user role of the future product and generate documentation
  • We initiate the project and arrange the team
    Depending on the complexity of the product, we involve relevant experts and develop the "rules of the game" in the project
  • We break the project down into releases and stages
    Even a small project can be broken down into short sprints, and development stages are approved by the customer
  • We introduce the development stages and get feedback
    Each sprint finishes by informing the client about the current status and taking into account feedback
  • We hand over the release to the customer for testing
    After reaching tangible results, we hand it over to the customer for testing along with the prescribed test cases
  • We release the product and provide a warranty period
    After achieving the final result, we publish the software for public access and maintain its performance
  • We support the product after the release
    By agreement with the customer, we maintain the product's performance and monitor its operation
Mostly work in spheres
We are proud of developing software, mobile applications,
hardware, and integrated products for various business areas and customers
A car alarm that is installed without special instruments, reduces the risks of car theft and increases the chances of its return
An augmented reality platform that allows you to switch to AR in minutes
A passenger application that allows you to track public transport and buy tickets
System for remote monitoring and control of irrigation machines
Platform for GPS tracking and fleet management system for business customers
Software and hardware complex for meteorological monitoring and weather data service
Have questions or suggestions for our team?
Write to us to discuss cooperation!
Our team will advise you on the start of development and implementation stages!
They talk about us
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